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    Discursus de certa incertitudine rerum humanarum. Verdsens Speyl Del A

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Ciegler, Georg
    Creation date: 1648
    Publication date: 1648
    Subject: pædagogik (DK5-37.1)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Om Børn at holde til skole Del B

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Luther, Martin
    Creation date: 1531
    Publication date: 1531
    Subject: pædagogik (DK5-37.1)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Druckenskabs Beskriffvelse paa A.B.C.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Erlandsen, P.
    Creation date: 1666
    Publication date: 1666
    Subject: filosofi (DK5-10)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Om Børn at holde til skole Del C

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Luther, Martin
    Creation date: 1531
    Publication date: 1531
    Subject: pædagogik (DK5-37.1)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Egentlig Beskrifvelse om den forfærdelige oc store Ildebrand, som hafver varit i fem gandske Dage och moxen ødelagt den vitberømte och rige Stad London i Engeland.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: anonymous
    Creation date: 1666
    Publication date: 1666
    Subject: historie (DK5-90)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Sex Observationer om Lære-Kunstens rigtige og frugtbare Øvelse i Ungdommens Undervisning. Del B

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Whitte, Hans
    Creation date: 1707
    Publication date: 1707
    Subject: pædagogik (DK5-37.1)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Berætning om det skrækkelige Mord, som én katolsk Drabant paa en Luttersk Præst.

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: anonymous
    Creation date: 1726
    Publication date: 1726
    Subject: historie (DK5-90)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Kort, simpel oc sandferdig Vndervjisning, huorledis den gemeine Mand oc Almue, Borger eller Bondestands, som huercken kand komme til at bruge Doctores eller Apotecker

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Tellund, Villum Pedersen
    Creation date: 1652
    Publication date: 1652
    Subject: helbred (DK5-61)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Børne Speigel

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Bredal, Niels
    Creation date: 1568
    Publication date: 1568
    Subject: pædagogik (DK5-37.1)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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    Om den store Guds Bepaattelse, met Suæren oc Banden. Del B

    Resource type: Text Conforms to standard: TEIP5DKCLARIN

    Creator: Musculus, Andreas
    Creation date: 1557
    Publication date: 1557
    Subject: filosofi (DK5-10)
    Description: This text belongs to the Knowledge for Everyman Corpus of Danish texts from the period 1500-1750. The texts in the corpus represent various subject fields, e.g. medicine, piety, news, and are printed in black letter. The texts are displayed as transcriptions accompanied with facsimiles of the pages from the original editions. For further information, see

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